Navigating Your Driving Course: A Comprehensive Overview of What to Expect and How to Succeed
Course Objectives
The Beginner Driving Education (BDE) Digital course's objective is to enable novice drivers to fully understand the roads' ways and eventually help develop the driver's ability to remain aware, patient, and, most importantly, safe. The BDE Digital program is a crucial contributor to the road safety initiatives in place by the Province of Ontario.
This Beginner course in Driver's Education will foresee several aspects of learning, including theoretical and technical, to ensure novice drivers fully understand the basics and intricacies of the road. The BDE Digital course provides substantial knowledge and prepares students for their driving tests.
The BDE Digital course is comprised of eight modules. Each module has its own set of learning objectives that contribute to the student's development of safe driving behaviour.
Module Objectives
Modules Module Objectives RULES OF THE ROAD The Rules of the Road module's main objective is to teach students the importance of traffic laws and regulations and provide the knowledge and skills required to become safe and responsible drivers. This module also discusses road users and their rights. THE VEHICLE AND ITS COMPONENTS The Vehicle and its Components module's main objective is to teach students about the vehicle's various components. VEHICLE HANDLING The Vehicle Handling module's main objective is to teach students how vehicle handling contributes to safe and responsible driving. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR The Driver Behaviour module's main objective is to teach students how modifying driving behaviour based on the driving environment and road conditions contribute to safe and responsible driving. RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY The Respect and Responsibility module's main objective is to teach students how to deal with emergencies, common vehicle malfunctions and law enforcement encounters. Moreover, to explain how leadership skills, safe practice and respect for all road-users contribute to safe and responsible driving. SHARING THE ROAD The Sharing the Road module's main objective is to teach students the importance of being a cooperative and defensive driver and how to make and recognize manoeuvres. They are predictable and not random. The module will teach drivers how to manage the space responsibly, effectively communicate with other road-users, and other aspects of safe and courteous driving ATTENTION The Attention module's main objective is to teach students how impairments and distractions can affect a driver and the safety and driving of other road users. PERCEPTION AND RISK MANAGEMENT The Perception and Risk Management module's main objective is to teach students safe and proper observation skills. This module teaches appropriate risk-management strategies, a driver's limits to perceive levels of risks, the necessity of accurate risk perceptions, common collision factors and how to reduce risks leading to the same SAME WHAT? -
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing this course, students will acquire the following skills and knowledge:
Students will develop the knowledge and skills required to become safe and responsible drivers. They will understand the rules and regulations governing road usage, accurately interpret road signs, control devices, markings, lines and intersections
Students will develop the knowledge of a motor vehicle's legal usage and the vehicle components and how it leads to safe driving
Students will learn how the vehicle responds to various inputs/outputs by the driver and the road conditions. Additionally, they will learn how to approach and deal with different situations and control the vehicle safely.
Students will learn how various personal factors and emotions can adversely affect driving capabilities.
Students will learn how to deal with emergencies such as accidents and the required steps to be a safe and responsible driver.
Students will learn the importance of being a cooperative and defensive driver. Students will also learn the benefits of cooperative and courteous driving.
Students will learn various aspects such as impairments and distractions that may impact driving behaviour.
Students will learn safe and proper observation skills.
Students will learn various techniques on how to control emotions and develop decision-making skill
Course Design
BDE Digital course is a self-paced, online course coupled with various teaching methods to ensure its effectiveness. Students are required to register in the program to access this online Learning Management System (LMS). LMS tracks all students' activities such as login sessions, breaks, time spent on each module, and topics. All these are recorded and are made available to the ministry upon request.
Digital Course Rules
1. Multi-Factor Authentication
2. Mandatory 10 Minute break after 2 hours of continuous learning
3. 5 Hours Maximum Per Day excluding breaks
4. Mandatory login before attempting any Quiz or Test
5. Session time-out if in an idle situation for 15 minutes. Re-authentication is required.
6. The maximum time allowed to complete the BDE course is one year you could bold to emphasize but do not capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence. from the start date
7. 70% passing marks required to complete the module
8. Homelinks must be fully completed after the completion of each module
9. 70% passing marks required in Final Test to receive a certificate of completion
10. Maximum three attempts to pass Final Test
Technical Requirements
The Students can access BDE Digital course from various devices and platforms on PC and Mac desktops/laptops, Android, and iOS mobile devices. Following are the minimum system requirements:
Minimum System RequirementsThe latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera or IE11 for desktop/laptop
An Internet connection with a minimum speed of 2 MB
PC Specific RequirementsPlatform: Windows 10 or higher with the latest updates installed
RAM: 4GB or more
Video: Graphics output capability
Sound: Sound output capability
Mobile Specific RequirementsiOS 12.0 and above
Android 8.0 and above
Mobile browsersSafari or Chrome on iOS and Chrome on Android.
Plug-insAcrobat Reader
Course Integrity
The course provider has a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. If a student cheats on a test or examination, plagiarizes an assignment, shares work to be copied by another student, uses unauthorized aids to complete work submitted for evaluation, or otherwise acts dishonestly in the completion of an academic task, the student will face repercussion. The consequences included but are not limited to assigning a failing grade.
1. Students will be enrolled via invitation only
2. Students are required to set up their password and security questions
3. Students are not allowed to share their username and password with anyone
4. Students are required to complete this program themselves
5. No person other than the student who is enrolled in the program will access the student's account or participate in any course activity
The course provider has a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. If a student cheats on a test or examination, plagiarizes an assignment, shares work to be copied by another student, uses unauthorized aids to complete work submitted for evaluation, or otherwise acts dishonestly; in completing an academic task, will face repercussions. The consequences included but are not limited to assigning a failing grade.
Internet Etiquette
Internet etiquette regarding lesson activities (e.g. mobile phones, iPad, and other devices) are not used throughout the course. Other discussions, email communications, and SMS communications and other chatting software must also be avoided.
Timely Submission and Completion of Assessment Tasks
Beginner Driving Education Program (BDE) is a self-paced digital learning program with fixed hours of commitment as required by the MTO. Students are expected to complete and submit all required tasks for assessment and evaluation with the allotted time. Consistent or unexcused lateness in completing or submitting assessment tasks may prevent the teacher from evaluating a student's work and may adversely affect the student's overall achievement in the course.
Course Assessment Process and Policy
Knowledge-based Questions
Video Analysis
Infographic Analysis
Solve the Puzzle and Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-Choice Questions (Module Quiz and Final Test)
The BDE Digital course requires 20 hours of online engagement and 10 hours of Homelinks. The course entails several assessments in various formats that will challenge the student's comprehension and retention. The following is a list of assessment formats.
Encouraging students to learn from their mistakes in a safe learning environment
BDE Digital course provides several opportunities that allow students to learn from their mistakes constructively. BDE Digital promotes an environment where making mistakes is an integral part of the learning process.. This process allows instructors to understand where students are making mistakes, allowing them to receive feedback promptly.
BDE Digital course ensures that students recognize and understand their mistakes and create a more profound understanding, allowing them to reach the correct answer. BDE Digital course helps improve the motivation and self-esteem of the students. It overcomes mistakes as part of the learning objectives.
BDE Digital course's strategy is to turn motivation into something intrinsic that contributes to effective learning. BDE Digital course evaluates mistakes and helps instructors provide constructive and relevant feedback. BDE Digital course provides a list of all incorrect answers at the end of the evaluation. It provides relevant topics to reinforce the material. BDE Digital course has incorporated multiple tools and methods to support independent learning that includes the following:
1.Video Analysis – Provide students with an opportunity to share their learning
2.Scenario-based Activities: Solicit students feedback
3.Puzzles Solving Activities – Instant feedback
4.Discussion Boards – Promotes Peer-to-Peer Learning
Students receive constructive and relevant feedback from the Instructor to help identify any knowledge gaps. As part of the feedback process, instructors will engage students by reinforcing the material, causing changes in thought patterns, which will prevent them from repeating their mistakes.
BDE Digital course instructors focus on turning mistakes into learning success using the available tools and technology. BDE Digital course uses technology that will track mistakes and provide suitable material recommendations to helping prevent future mistakes.
Instructional Strategies and methods
BDE Digital course supports the following instructional strategies and methods:
1. Direct instruction - BDE Digital models direct instructions by allowing the Instructor to provide feedback to students on submissions like video questions and scenario-based questions. BDE Digital course provides a structured approach and presents learning objectives for lessons, activities, and sequencing to ensure students have reached their learning goals.
2. Indirect instruction - BDE Digital course modelling the student-led learning process and providing constructive feedback. Students are presented with infographics and charts to support indirect instruction.
3. Interactive instruction: BDE Digital course support interactive instructions using videos, crossword puzzles, scenario-based questions and surveys.
4. Experiential learning: BDE Digital course supports an experiential learning strategy; learning is inductive, learner-centred and activity-oriented. BDE Digital course provides feedback-type questions, a discussion board and surveys to support experiential learning.
5. Independent learning: BDE Digital course is a self-paced, online course that supports an independent learning style. BDE Digital course requires students to analyze problems, reflect, make decisions and take actions as needed. BDE Digital course requires ten hours of mandatory homework. It covers different learning methods like analyzing videos, infographics, crossword puzzles, real scenarios and surveys.
Standard Reading-Learning-Pace
BDE Digital course provides a suitable environment for all types of learners. BDE Digital course understands the correlation between effective pacing and student engagement. Each topic presented in the course is timed based on the industry standards, using the word-count-per-minute method.
Privacy and Legal Policy
BDE Digital course provider does not disclose the personal information of its students without their consent. Personal information includes name, address, contact information, licence information as per Canada's privacy policy, The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
To ensure that your privacy rights are protected, the BDE Digital course provider encourages students to only use student ID on assignments submitted for grading. This policy is intended to prevent the inadvertent disclosure of your information.
Course Structure
Module Name Ministry Code Ministry Topics Name
Traffic laws and regulations
Reasons for traffic laws and regulation
Awareness that traffic laws and regulations may differ in other jurisdictions and for other vehicles
Traffic control devices
Basic vehicle components
Pre-trip checks
Controlling the vehicle safely and responsibly
Benefits of proper tire inflation
Collision avoidance and basic evasive manoeuvres
Principles of skid control and slide control
Adjusting driving behaviour for different driving conditions
Control over emotions
Personal factors and influence
Social factors and influence
Resisting negative pressures
Positive driving attitudes
Impact of driver behaviour on other road-users
Responding to emergencies
Being a safe, respectful, and responsible driver
Conflict avoidance regardless of fault
Environmentally conscious and efficient driving behaviour
The driver as a lifelong learner
Factors that contribute to changes in driving skill
Cooperative driving
Communicating effectively with other road-users
Habits and attitudes related to effective communication
Types of impairment
Effects of impairment
Myths and facts related to the impairment
Consequences of impaired driving
Distracted driving
Managing attention
What, Where, and When to Observe
How to observe
Visual Search and Scanning to Detect Potential Hazards
Different Types of Drivers
Dangerous Driving
Personal Risk Tolerance
Accurate Risk Perception
Factors that Affect Driver Risk Perception
Common Collision Factors for Beginner Drivers
Common Collision Situations
Potential Hazards of Driving and Effective Responses
Hazard Perception, Decision-making, and Judgment
Using decision-making Skills to Drive Safely
Effects of impairment on Decision-making Skills
Role of Personal Motives on Decision-making Skills
Post-Incident Decision-making to Ensure Personal Safety
Driving Actions to Minimize Risk
The Final Grade Breakdown
Modules: 64%
Homelinks: 16%
Final Test: 20%
The final grade for the BDE Digital course is determined through a combination of the Online course and Homelinks using the following breakdown:
Code of Conduct
BDE Digital course prohibits students, instructors, school owners and staff from any inappropriate use of online access of the portal. Moreover, it could result in disciplinary action that may include legal action and/or police involvement.
All students participating in this BDE Digital course, the digital learning environment, must abide by all rules and regulations and its Code of Conduct published in this course. Students may be subject to disciplinary procedures established to address any alleged violations.
Contact Information
For any support regarding the content in this course, kindly reach out to our support team using the web form available on the LMS.
Course Support & Service Standards:
1. Three types of supports are available for all students:
Technical Support - (e.g. support with program, software solution, login failure, etc.)
Service Support - (e.g. support provided to address course user experience, complaints, etc.)
Course Content Support - (e.g. support provided by a Digital Driving Instructor regarding course content/materials)
2. Support Hours:
7 Days from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST
3. Online Support via Ticket System
Technical Support Request
Phone Support: 416-444-7474 - Press # 1
Text Message: (647) 493-9345
Service Support Request
Phone Support: 416-444-7474 - Press # 2
Text Message: (647) 493-9345
Course Content Support Request
Phone Support: 416-444-7474 - Press # 3
Text Message: (647) 493-9345
Students are provided with an opportunity to seek assistance, report concerns and complaints via online support:
BDE Digital course provider handles all support inquiries within 48 hours from the time the students initiated them. All inquiries and resolutions will be available online.