MTO Approved Certificate Program

The Impact of Entertainment Media on Young Drivers' Behaviour

DRIVER BEHAVIOUR: Entertainment Media Use of Driving Imagery

Entertainment Media Influence on Young Drivers' Behaviour

Young drivers must learn to evaluate the entertainment media's message via video games, movies, and television shows and differentiate between fictional Content and reality. The entertainment media accentuates fast driving, drugs, road rages and other violent scenes to provide stickiness and draw the audience's attention.

Novice drivers must not try what they see in video games, where reckless driving is fantastic and has no consequences. They must drive the vehicle responsibly and understand the importance of safety.


Did you know?

  • Recent psychology research at the University of Alberta showed a significant spike in speeding infractions in Edmonton, as high as 25 percent, after the April 2015 release of Fast and Furious 7. This film celebrates illegal street racing.
  • The study by U.K. teen driving school Young Driver says video games, in addition to movies and television, give teens a false impression of the consequences of excessive speed while driving." About 50% of the 1,000 drivers surveyed blamed mobile devices and driving games for misleading young people. A third named the movie franchise "The Fast and Furious" as a primary offending influence.
  • That media has influenced car culture in the Western world is indisputable. Songs like 1906's "In My Merry Oldsmobile," and others immediately glamorized the experience of driving and pieces about the glory and freedom of motoring.
  • Entertainment media often use driving imagery to create excitement and action in movies, television shows, and video games. However, these depictions of driving can sometimes promote dangerous driving behaviours. They can influence viewers to engage in these behaviours in real life.
  • One way entertainment media use driving imagery is to depict high-speed car chases. These chases can be thrilling and exciting. Still, they often involve risky driving behaviours such as speeding, reckless driving, and running red lights. These depictions can influence viewers to believe these behaviours are acceptable and glamorous, leading to copycat behaviours on the road.
  • Another way that entertainment media use driving imagery is to depict distracted driving, such as texting or using a phone while driving. These depictions can also influence viewers to engage in these behaviours in real life, even though they are illegal and dangerous. Entertainment media may also depict driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which can normalize these hazardous behaviours and make them seem less severe than they are.
  • Entertainment media can also use driving imagery to promote safe driving practices, such as wearing seatbelts and obeying traffic laws. It may send a positive message about the importance of seatbelt use.
  • Using driving imagery in entertainment media can positively and negatively affect viewers. Entertainment media producers must be mindful of the potential influence of their depictions of driving and promote responsible driving practices in their content. Viewers must also be critical of the presented messages and prioritize safety and responsible driving practices in their behaviour.
Forum Discussion

Discussion Forum Activity - Media Impacts:

It's essential to recognize the potential impact of media on driving behaviour and to promote safe driving practices through education and awareness campaigns. The movie you watched in the BDE course shows Rash Driving or Racing. Share your experience about the impact of films that depict rash driving or racing.

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