Driving Hazards: Recognition and Effective Responses
This section lists potential hazards when working on or beside the road. When recognizing roadside work hazards, remember that they can change over a workday.
Potential road hazards:
- Limited space between the worksite and roadway
- Curves, hills, trees, or parked vehicles that restrict a driver's view of the work zone
- Overhead cables, railway crossings, or right-of-ways by work area
- Additional roadside work or traffic control happening in the vicinity
- Bike lanes
- Uneven ground, construction debris, and obstacles in the work area
Potential traffic hazards:
- Near an intersection with traffic lights or traffic coming from multiple directions
- Rush hour traffic
- Traffic merging from two lanes to one
- Bus stop nearby
- Schools, parks, playgrounds, or community centers in the vicinity
- Children in the vicinity
Potential vehicle hazards:
- Large vehicles driving by could block signage or reduce road width
- Emergency vehicles frequently pass by
Potential weather and light hazards:
- Rain
- Fog
- Snow or ice
- Reduced light
- Rising or setting sun
Potential work activity hazards:
- Work vehicles or mobile equipment coming or leaving the worksite
- Vehicles travelling in the work zone
- Equipment operated in the work zone
- Location of supplies and equipment (can they be safely accessed)