MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Vehicle Malfunctions: Risks and Maintenance Tips


Vehicle Malfunctions: Prevention and Management Strategies

Vehicle malfunctions are not common, but the driver must safely attend to them if they occur.

Low vehicle maintenance can lead to unexpected vehicle failures while driving.

Regularly maintaining the vehicle is a sure way to prevent any vehicle malfunctions.


Blowouts are when the vehicle's tires explode while driving.

In this event, the vehicle may suddenly lose control and sway.

The driver should always have a good grip on the steering wheel and be prepared for a blowout.

Regularly check that the tires are up to the recommended pressure and have sufficient tread.

Battery issues

If the vehicle's battery is dead, it will not start.

In this case, the driver must jumpstart the vehicle using jumper cables and another vehicle.

To avoid a dead battery, turn off all electronics in the vehicle before exiting it.

Brake malfunctions

Brake malfunctions can be daunting, but the key is to remain calm.

Try pumping the brakes to restore braking power.

If this does not work, use the parking brake.

The wheels may lock up, so ensure the driver does not lose control of the vehicle.

Also, be sure to communicate using hazard lights.

In a manual vehicle, downshifting can help slow the car down.

It is possible to avoid brake failure by regularly maintaining and checking the brake system.

In all cases, move to the safe side of the road and call for help.

Has the vehicle been checked before proceeding?

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