MTO Approved Certificate Program

Impaired Driving: Rules, Penalties, and Alcohol Consumption

RULES OF THE ROAD: Impaired Driving

Impaired Driving Rules in Canada - Understanding Alcohol and Drugs

Impaired Driving

Impaired driving means operating a vehicle such as a car, truck, boat, snowmobile or off-road vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of the two.

Driving with any alcohol in the bloodstream, especially with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of over 0.05g/dl, will substantially increase one's chances of being involved in an accident.

Safe driving requires a driver to concentrate, the ability to react to situations quickly, and make well-informed decisions. Being under the influence of alcohol severely hampers this, regardless of the driver's experience. Always remember, "Do Not Drink and Drive." If the driver intends to consume any amount of alcohol, be sure to arrange for a mode of transport for later. (A taxi, an Uber, public transit.)

The MTO is constantly updating New Impaired Driving Rules to the list, like the legalization of Cannabis, so please review the link below to be aware of the latest regulations, fines and penalties:


Did anyone know that all of the following commonly used terms fall under Impaired Driving and essentially mean the same thing:

  • DWI – Driving While Intoxicated
  • DWAI – Driving While Ability Impaired
  • DUI – Driving Under The Influence
  • OWI – Operating While Impaired

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