Regulatory Signs: Key Traffic Regulations for Safety
Regulatory Signs
This road is an official bicycle route. Watch for cyclists and be prepared to share the road with them.
You may park in the area between the signs during the times posted. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Snowmobiles may use this road.
Do not enter this road.
Do not stop in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle in this area, even for a moment. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Do not stand in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle in this area except while loading or unloading passengers. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Do not park in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle except to load or unload passengers or merchandise. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Do not turn left at the intersection.
Do not drive through the intersection.
Do not turn to go in the opposite direction. (U-turn)
Do not turn right when facing a red light at the intersection.
Do not turn left during the times shown.