MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Regulatory Signs - Rules of the Road

RULES OF THE ROAD: Regulatory Signs (Page 3 of 3)

Regulatory Signs - Essential Traffic Regulations for Safe Roads

Traffic may travel in one direction only.

Traffic may travel in one direction only.


This is a pedestrian crossover. Be prepared to stop and yield right-of-way to pedestrians.

This is a pedestrian crossover. Be prepared to stop and yield right-of-way to pedestrians.


This sign, above the road or on the ground, means the lane is only for two-way left turns.

This sign, above the road or on the ground, means the lane is only for two-way left turns.


This sign reserves curb area for vehicles displaying a valid Accessible Person Parking Permit picking up and dropping off passengers with disabilities.

This sign reserves curb area for vehicles displaying a valid Accessible Person Parking Permit picking up and dropping off passengers with disabilities.


These signs mean lanes are only for specific types of vehicles, either all the time or during certain hours. Different symbols are used for the different types of vehicles. They include: buses, taxis, vehicles with three or more people and bicycles.

These signs mean lanes are only for specific types of vehicles, either all the time or during certain hours. Different symbols are used for the different types of vehicles. They include: buses, taxis, vehicles with three or more people and bicycles.


Keep to the right lane except when passing on two-lane sections where climbing or passing lanes are provided.

Keep to the right lane except when passing on two-lane sections where climbing or passing lanes are provided.


This sign on the back of transit buses serves as a reminder to motorists of the law requiring vehicles approaching a bus stopped at a dedicated Bus Stop to yield to the bus, once the bus has signalled its intent to return to the lane.

This sign on the back of transit buses serves as a reminder to motorists of the law requiring vehicles approaching a bus stopped at a dedicated Bus Stop to yield to the bus, once the bus has signalled its intent to return to the lane.


Road forks to the right.

Road forks to the right.


Marks a zone within which school buses load or unload passengers without using the red alternating lights and stop arm.

Marks a zone within which school buses load or unload passengers without using the red alternating lights and stop arm.


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