MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Speed Regulations for Safe Driving in Canada


Speed Regulations and Safety Tips for Canadian Drivers

When driving, it is crucial to understand that speed is directly related to stopping distance. For example, if a vehicle travels 50km/h, it will take 28 metres to come to a complete stop. However, if the vehicle travelled 90km/h, stopping would take 70 metres.

Furthermore, when speeding, the vehicle travels a much further distance when the driver makes decisions and avoids action. Speeding dramatically increases one's chances of being involved in an accident. Collisions at higher speeds are fatal AS OPPOSED TO those at slower speeds.

A good driver always observes and maintains speeds within local speed limit guidelines and adjusts depending on/according to road conditions.


Regardless of the posted speed limit and keeping safety in mind, “Speed” should depend on:

  • The number and speed of other vehicles on the road
  • Whether the road surface is smooth, rough, gravelled, wet, dry, wide or narrow
  • Bicyclists or pedestrians on or crossing the road
  • Whether it is raining, foggy, snowing, windy, or dusty –weather conditions

You can be charged with the offence if you fail to slow down or move over when it is safe to do so near emergency vehicles or tow trucks that are stopped with sirens or lights flashing.

First Offence
$400 - $2000
Demerit Points
Years Suspension
No Jail Time
Subsequent Offences
(within 5years)
$1000 - $4000
Demerit Points
Years Suspension
Upto 6 Months Jail

Common Canadian Roadway Speed Limit

Types of DrivingKilometres per hourMiles per hour
School zones30-5020-30
Residential streets40-5025-30
Major roads in Urban and Suburban areas60-7037-44
Most 2-lane highways outside cities and town8050
Multi-lane highway driving11066


Note: If the traffic lights at a controlled junction are out of order, the driver must first stop at the control line and only proceed when it is safe. The driver must yield to all other traffic with the right of way.



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