MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Traffic Laws and Regulations in Canada

RULES OF THE ROAD: Traffic laws and regulations

Traffic Laws and Regulations | Canadian Road Safety

Canada Flag

Canada has three levels of government that monitor and regulate traffic laws, and it has different jurisdictions and roles. They each have different jurisdictions and roles. They are as follows:

  • Federal
  • Provincial
  • Municipal

Federal, provincial and municipal governments make traffic laws, and different types of law enforcement officers have the authority to implement them. If drivers break a traffic law, they may be fined, sent to jail, or lose their licence. Law enforcement agencies can impound a vehicle if they catch the driver driving with a suspended licence.

Federal Laws

The federal government and federal laws are involved primarily in criminal infraction cases. The driver must have caused a crime to outcall federal law to be an offender.

The Canadian Criminal Code dictates numerous offences that can call upon federal laws, including:

  • Dangerous driving
  • Criminal negligence while operating a vehicle
  • Criminal negligence causes death
  • Impaired driving (drinking and driving)

Provincial Laws

These laws vary by Province and regulate and control all road-related matters. Each Province takes responsibility for maintaining highways and governing the conduct of drivers, including but not limited to;

  • Licensing of drivers
  • Registration of motor-vehicles
  • Rules of the road

Failure to obey provincial laws may lead to any or all of the following:

  • Fines
  • Suspension of licence
  • Imprisonment

Municipal laws

Municipalities have jurisdictions that the provincial government has given authority to manage.

Municipal law is responsible for:

  • Upholding local by-laws
  • Controlling traffic
  • Maintaining safe road conditions 

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