MTO Approved Certificate Program

Mastering Highway and Freeway Driving: Safety Tips and Strategies

VEHICLE HANDLING: Highway and Freeway Driving

Safe Highway Driving Tips | Navigating Urban and Rural Roads

High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes

Compared to highway driving, driving in urban and rural areas is much slower paced. These areas still pose unique hazards that the driver must know.

High speeds

Be careful not to exceed local speed limits. Seeing an open, broad section of the road is not an invitation to speed. The driver never knows what awaits them at the end of the road.

Blind curves

Rural roads will usually have a series of twists and turns. Be aware of these, slow down, and approach them with caution.

Obstacles on the road

In rural areas, debris or unkempt roads are likely. Drivers must always be aware of this and watch out for it.


Never assume that wildlife will stop for the driver. Slow down if there are any animals on the road.

Heavy traffic

Heavy congestion may occur in urban areas. Be aware of these situations to avoid minor accidents with surrounding vehicles.

Pedestrians and bikers

In urban areas, the driver must look out for pedestrians and bikers. The drivers have to learn and practice how to share the road.


It is estimated that,

It is estimated that about 15% of highway deaths each year are due to collisions involving large trucks.



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