MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Parking Brakes: Types and Usage


Parking Brake Guide: Types, Usage & Safety Tips

There are different kinds of parking brakes.

Pedal brake

Pedal brake

It is found on the far left of the foot pedals. Push it inwards until you hear a click, which signifies that it is activated.



Lever brake

Lever brake

It is found between the two passengers. Pull it upwards until you hear the sound of a click, which signifies that it is activated.




An electric button located on the console engages the e-brake.

Parking brake

When to use the parking brake:

When parking, one must always use the parking brake.

Other instances include intersections, on hills, or if the primary brakes fail.

Unlike common perception, the driver should put the parking brake on before putting the car in Park.

If facing downhill, place the vehicle in reverse in a manual car. If facing uphill, put the vehicle in first. This way, if the parking brake fails, the engine’s resistance will hold the vehicle in place.

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