MTO Approved Certificate Program

Experiential Learning: Practical Approach to Making a Right Turn (Part 1)

VEHICLE HANDLING: Experiential Learning Practical approach of making a right turn (Part 1)

Master the Right Turn: Practical Learning for Vehicle Handling

Scenario: You are approaching a “Multiple Lane Intersection,” and you are in a middle lane. You need to make a right turn on the main road. You need to take a two-step approach, i.e., Change your lane and then make a right turn. Review the options below and arrange your steps sequentially in the Next Activity.

Step One – Lane Change:

  1. Look ahead to make sure the lane you intend to change into is clear
  2. Rear View – Check to make sure that there is enough space
  3. Speed – Check your speed
  4. M.S.B–[Mirror – Signal – Blindspot] OR SMOG – [Signal – Mirror – Over-shoulder – Go]
  5. Aim – Aim the lane
  6. Change Lanes
  7. Straighten Steering
  8. Cancel Signal – If still running
  9. Mirrors – Check mirrors

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