MTO Approved Certificate Program

Understanding Traction in Vehicle Handling


Traction in Vehicle Handling | Key Factors and Insights

Traction is the tires’ ability to grip the road.

Traction is a cause of friction between the road and the tires. Without any friction or traction, the tires would slide on the road.

Reduced traction will significantly reduce the car's control and the stopping distance when applying the brake.

Several factors affect traction;

Bad Road Conditions

The material of the road:

Generally, a rough, textured road provides more traction than a smoother road. Moreover, well-maintained asphalt roads provide sufficient traction.

Rural roads are often uneven or contain loose material, such as gravel, that is not appropriately maintained. These roads generally provide less traction, and the driver should proceed cautiously.

The condition of the road:

Traction decreases when the road is smooth, wet, or slick due to rain, mud, snow, or ice. This reduced traction will significantly reduce stopping distance.

The condition of the tires:

Tires have specific design patterns to maximize traction. The amount of tread on the tires corresponds to the amount of traction. Worn-out tires have much less tread; a good driver will ensure they are changed.

Weight of the vehicle:

A heavier vehicle is bound to have more traction than a lighter vehicle. However, the car may slip on very loose ground due to its excessive weight.

Traction control system:

Almost all cars in this era have built-in Traction Control, which controls how the vehicle responds to poor traction conditions.

These systems control the vehicle’s acceleration and braking to prevent the wheels from spinning with reduced traction.

Natural Definition
Centrifugal Force Force that makes objects move outwards when they are spinning around something or travelling in a curve.
Friction Force that resists the sliding or rolling of one solid object over another.
Gravity Gravity is the force that attracts all objects toward the Earth's center.
Inertia Inertia is the force that causes something moving to tend to continue moving.
Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy (KE) of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.
Momentum Momentum is defined as the amount of motion occurring in something that is moving.

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